The Subtle Art of Being Indie

2 min readNov 16, 2021


Being indie is something that most people strive for- to proclaim that you know things that other people don’t! That you have many thoughts about Radiohead’s In Rainbows! And how A24 ruined cinema! However, the actual act of being indie is something that is extremely hard to nail down- an intangible concept that no-one has a real grasp of, almost as if it were a foreign language Oscar winner.

Merriam-Webster defines indie as:

Ø one that is independent, especially an unaffiliated record or motion-picture production company

Ø one that is independent, especially an unaffiliated record or motion-picture production company

Ø something (such as a record or film) produced by an “indie” (author’s note: this is why the Oxford dictionary is gospel, and Merriam-Webster is an American fad, yes I did watch a YouTube video about the history of dictionaries why do you ask?)

How do you be indie?

In the painstaking cultivation of my neurotic forest fire, indier than thou, relatable madame secretariat, personality, I have picked up a few tips in the care of one’s indieness.

Ø Scour the internet for opinions that aren’t your own about stuff you haven’t heard of, and assimilate it into your personality like Priti Patel into flagshagger culture.

Ø Scour the internet for opinions that aren’t your own about stuff you haven’t heard of, and assimilate it into your personality like Priti Patel into flagshagger culture.

Ø Once your indieness has been certified, put your feelers out with a semi hot take about a universally loved/reviled piece of media, and enjoy the buzz it gives you to receive attention and validation to your cold heart.

Ø In the pursuit of indieness, ensure you have reliables that everybody loves- I am personally a preacher of Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, and Lorde.

Thank you for asking this question, disembodied pig head on a stick! With watching the BBC3 series Ladhood, talking to old people about Kasabian, and spending 3 hours getting into a Wikipedia hole over TIME magazine, now is the perfect time for me to divulge my unnerving knowledge of pop culture past. To be indie before, reading NME and having lukewarm takes was the name of game… not so different from now! Life is a monoculture, originality is dead in the water and nothing makes me happy anymore! But isn’t that teenage angst the crux of indieness… no? I will revel in my “indie pop” (words don’t mean anything and etymology is a failed man’s pursuit) Discover Weekly on Spotify!




Written by squed

i dont write very regularly. enjoy !

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