i like to make the end of summer time a small event.
when the hour repeats on your phone, and the tv schedules go weird
for a little bit. you go and you trudge around the house
in the afternoon, making sure all the clocks are the
right time. you don’t want to do it in the morning. you want
to let the summer time linger for a little bit. some small comfort
in the face of abject drudgery. a defence against the practice
of the inane, and the going home in the dark, and the
switching the heater on but not in the morning because
you get a bit woozy. not sure if this stems from the season,
or from the residual fumes sublimating your brain cells out of existence.
and eventually, you take up arms in the war against
the most magnificently magnitudinal existentiality that the winter whispers into your ear.